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                       THE DARKNESS 

the vision of an illusion says brain grabs things on sport, as if its reality.
And The more we hear something, the more we believe it is true - it is called illusion of truth, effect caused by our brain.

As of dreams, human being level of struggle, only! can cast out the darkness , as dreams are black all through.
Only if Our inner abilities and power we possess pointed down! darkness wont faded away.

this pictures been caged after a solitude silence in the
darkness .
Learn to be a warrior who fought to the fullest with an extreme prestige , not a coward elephant tales beast that quench after war,

Enmity, ingrate, data remover, annihilator, decapitator, those were adjective of darkness aids
And uses one for voluminous assignment with quick response .
They are people of disbeliever (muajirun),
to ruin an happy home is there priority, but lean on God and rest on his will.

Astrological view, without seen darkness they are powerless and warless.
Make mind and know your way , find the path and strive for achievement .
Copyright law is on this poem nothing should be tamper

Hixco Audacity
Scripto hood 


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